I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to talk about!!

But that’s not going to stop me is it! I’ll just keep going until the walking dead primer which will be in about an hour or so.

— Let’s take a sidebar about that here. I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead and have been avidly keeping up with the last 4 seasons so this next one is highly anticipated or me. I think I’ll be doing episode reviews for each one as they come out but will see how that works out. Reviewing for me is more like having a conversation and if there is no one to converse with then it makes me sad :( So if you are a fan of The Walking Dead then let me know so I can write something that we can talk about!

Speaking of POOWWAAA (my way of saying power ever since I saw this commercial) My computer set up has to be using too much. First I have a full tower that granted doesn’t use too much when it’s not going all out but then I have a dual monitor set-up along with two external hard drives backing up my stuff and a stereo system plugged in to give my ears a surround sound experience (not really but there are speakers in front of me and behind me for only 2 channels of sound and really surround sound is 5.1 channels I believe not exactly sure though) so that draws powa as I play music or at least some form of sound constantly. It’s sometimes a good thing during the winter because the entire setup acts as a heater that just puts out the stuff but during the summer (as in right now) It’s a bummer because it makes the room pretty hot.

Did I mention that I’m tired? I had a really long weekend, it was good but packed.

In any case I recommend that you make a chocolate milkshake before you go to bed tonight. They are good and I’ve been craving one, although I’ll probably just eat and apple instead. And if you are lactose intolerant or something and can’t eat (psshhh drink, whatever) those then I am sorry for you loss :(

Enjoy the rest of your day and drink (eat dangit!) a milkshake!

Rock Climbing: pt 2

So after my last post about rock climbing I thought I should post an update.

I’ve been climbing a lot recently. To give you a perspective of what it’s like here are some pictures of small portion of the place.

Photo Sep 19, 3 56 29 PM Photo Sep 19, 4 26 51 PM

There are not a lot of people there as the time of the picture because it was early in the day around 2pm. More people tend to show up later in the night.

The sea pictures is the bouldering area, the place where you can climb without ropes and essentially free-climb stuff. You can do this because the hight of the walls is not enough that a fall from the top would not seriously injure you.

I’m loving rock climbing because it’s such a great way of visually seeing your progress. Different routes are rated different difficulties so I can do routes that I couldn’t do before.

I’m loving it and as in my last post about this I’m going to encourage you to try to find a place around where you live to rock climb and at least try it. You never know, you may find your new passion :)

One Of The Weirder Music Video’s I Have Seen

I like the artist and I like the song but some of the stuff was a little creepy. Overall the song itself is good for development of character and I think that the video adds to that so I like it but the first time you watch it, even more so if you don’t understand the french, you think “what am I watching”

Liebster Award: Take Two


Just the other day Atherz from Teenage Introvert nominated me for the Liebster Award! This has consequentially make me think about how bad I am with awards. Now don’t get me wrong I am truly grateful for receiving them. I am just atrocious (yes I had to look up how to spell that) at responding to them. Expressing things does not compute for me. I’m sure TI can understand that.

I’m probably rambling and most have no idea what I’m talking about. What I’m referencing is that I have received another Liebster (why does it want to auto-correct that word to Lobster?) award a few months ago and was never able to find people to pass it on too. So in my mind, I have failed :(

But NO MORE! I will be successful this time! So without further ado, here are the rules for the award:

  • Post the award on your blog (Check)
  • Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog. (I think so . . . just checked, did it)
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself. (Well after I write this)
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers. (I will do that this time!)
  • Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions. (Should be fun)

Because this will be my second time, I’ll include some facts from the previous one as BO-BO-BONUS FACTS!


  1. I love to build things. Computers, cars, small projects, anything that requires moving my hands to get the task done and I preferably like to learn something new while I’m doing it.
  2. I will commonly be typing or write and spell words backwards. Mostly small 3-letter words but sometimes longer ones. I have no idea why.
  3. I am a big fan of Oakley Sunglasses and have only purchased from them. However I have bought a few cheap pairs when I go to the beach so that I don’t have to worry. (I own a pair of polarized Crosshairs and a pair of limited edition Moto X Deviations)
  4. I consider myself part audiophile because I love to get the best quality that I can out of my music. But I don’t go overboard compared to some.
  5. My favorite color is green because of everything that I think it represents. Life, is all it’s forms, usually has a shade of green in it that forms. In humans: green eyes. In plants: kind of obvious, leaves. Many others as well. Green to me just looks right. (also I have no bias from my name ;)
  6. If it wasn’t apparent earlier, I love music. Music is a great form of expression and while I can not make music myself (that is enjoyable to others) I have huge respect to the people that can use music to connect with others and if they can become popular then even more so.
  7. I’m an adventurous person and will usually take on any challenge that I think I can do, going off of that, I low my limits pretty well so I know if I attempt something whether or not I can do it.
  8. I love to gamble. It’s not a problem or anything but if someone suggests starting a game then I won’t decline. Texas Hold’em is my favorite but I’ll play most card games. Adding a betting component always makes it more interesting. 13 for example while betting small amounts can be fun for a long time.
  9. I love to try new things, because what’s the use in always sticking with the same things. I’m only going to be young enough to get around for so long so might as well get everything that I can think of done before then :)
  10. I think on of the best purchases that I made within the last year was buying my GoPro. I am able to sue it in so many unique locations and bring it places I am not able to do with my DSLR all while retaining amazing quality. I love it!
  11. I am a firm believer that once you start using two monitors instead of one then there is no going back. I am actually looking to get a third monitor so I can have a tri-monitor setup! I can’t wait. (Also you start to look down upon the single monitor peasants ;)

Now for 3 BONUS FACTS!

  1. I am an Apple fan but am not clueless about technology, like a lot of Mac users, and have in fact built the computer that I am typing this on right now along with three others. In fact, they have all been “Hackintoshes” meaning that they run OSX with PC stuff in them. All totally legal and paid for (as far as I know but just keep it between you and me ;)
  2. My eyes are green and I have absolutely no desire to hide that. Except I am usually wearing sunglasses so you’ll only know if you see me inside.
  3. Halo is my favorite video game series. None have come close to beating it. I am supremely excited for the Maser Chief Collectors edition and Halo 5 when it comes out. I also own every Halo game made, most of them are the collectors editions or the limited editions.


First I would like to congratulate Atherz on his questions, they are pretty good and I am looking forward to answering them. So here we go!

Name your earliest memory.

I think my earliest memory is of walking into my kitchen as a child and seeing my mom pregnant with my younger brother. I would have been about 2 at the time and I can remember that moment very vividly. The perspective is weird because I remember looking way up to see her and now I have to look way down :)

Let’s spice things up. What is your favorite meal from a restaurant?

Hmmm well let’s see. If it were fast food then I would have to say In-N-Out. For the last 7 years I have gotten the same thing every time I go there. 3×3, fries, and a medium pink lemonade. It has never gotten boring and it always tastes amazing! However, if I were to say restaurant and not fast food then I will say that I am on a mission to find the best burger place in the world. So if I find one that looks good on the menu then I will order that and compare it to others I have tasted.

Which sense do you like the most? Why?

This is a good one. I like this because it forces you to think about all of your senses closely.

It’s a hot debate between sight and smell. In the end I would have to go with sight however because not being able to continue to take pictures and see the world change would hurt me immeasurably. Also, sight gives you another sense, that is of the passage of time. It gives you a clear way to distinguish how quickly or slowly time is passing. Something which I always need to know.

However, small is very important to me as well. Everything has its own unique smell and it is a key way to identify things. I love smelling things I would miss terribly not being able to smell.

In the end it would have to go to sight though.

What was your ideal vision for your blog?

Well my ideal vision, the vision that still is, is for my blog to be a community for like-minded people to share their thoughts on the topics I post and I would even post their topics as well. I love being able to connect with people who have similar interest to me as there are few like that in my local community.

How well do you deal with your emotions?

I think I deal with emotions very well. I don’t get too mad or too sad. However, that always ends up giving me a neutral disposition which can be annoying sometimes when outwardly you look “down” and your friends ask “what’s wrong, are you okay” when all you’ve been doing is thinking about random things with no direction. But hey, what ya gunna do right?

Would you rather… kill your best friend, or have your best friend kill you?

This is another great question. It’s a good way to get into a persons psych and se what their like.

Now I’m very honest with myself, I know why I’m like and how I would react. In all honesty, I would have to kill my best friend. Now it would still be extremely hard and I would never attempt to do it in normal circumstances but if pushed to it and there was absolutely no way around it then my survival instincts would kick in and I would be the one living another day.

What was your most vivid dream/nightmare?

My most vivid nightmare is when I was very young and I had watched the episode of Power-Puff Girls (ya I know, but I can only remember this episode now) where there are tiny machines in the rain.

In the nightmare my mom turned into one of those machines and I was hiding in my parents room with my brother and my dad. My dad left to go try to make thing right (whatever that may be) and then the dream ended.

As a BONUS my other vivid nightmare involved (also when I was young) sitting at the dinner table. I picked up my fork and looking at it, then jabbed it into my eye. To this day I have no idea why I had that dream or what it means but I never want to have sharp objects near my eyes now, it freaks me out.

Do you like where you live?

I love where I live, in the big CA near the beach so I can’t complain about anything. However if I had the choice I would move somewhere that has colder and rainier weather as that is my favorite type of weather. I’m a cold climate person.

What was your first experience on a social network / forum like?

Oh wow, well I guess the first social type of interaction that I had wasn’t on a forum but in a game. I used to play Runescape for many hours at a time and would talk with people in the game. Then I think I got a Facebook and after that deleted it. I’ve never been too much of a forum poster though I do like the idea.

What’s your main past-time hobby?

I’m not sure how to go about answering this. I would say that my main hobby is photograph and digital arts but as for the past-time, not sure. I do a lot of rock climbing as well, that’s one of my hobbies as well I guess you could say.

How do you feel about this nomination?

I feel that it is a redemption chance for me and a great way to share more about myself to my readers. I’m not someone who is used to sharing my thoughts so having an opportunity like this is something I need :)


Okay this time I have people to nominate! If I nominate you then it is because I like the work that you do and I feel that you deserve to be recognized for what you do.

Thank you to all the nominees for your content, I enjoy reading it very much. So to all the nominee’s you do not have to participate but it encouraged that you do. I sure would like to see your responses for one and I’m sure your readers would enjoy them as well :)


Alright, my questions let’s see, what do I want to know.

  1. What is your favorite type of food and why?
  2. If you could go to the moon and spend 15 minutes on the surface and then come back for free, or go on a 3 month all expense paid vacation to anywhere you want on earth, which one would you choose and why?
  3. What color are your eyes and do you like them? Why?
  4. Do you listen to music often and if so what are your favorite genres and bands?
  5. Do you think that everyone deserves a second chance? Why is that?
  6. Are you a vegetarian or do you love the taste of meat?
  7. Is there a special reason as to why you started blogging, if so what is it?
  8. What do you hope to accomplish in the next year and are you currently working to achieve that?
  9. How tall are you?
  10. You are tasked with fighting a wild black bear, do you use a gun, a sword, or just your fists?
  11. Someone invents a dream recorder, you can use it but you have to watch your dreams with your family and closest friends, would you do it?


I would just like to thank Atherz again for nominating me and I hope everyone had a good time reading all this, I know it was a lot.

Till next post!

Wallpapers . . . Again


So awhile back I posted about how I have a collection of wallpapers that I put on a random cycle as my desktop picture.

Each picture is displayed for 1 minute. While that may seem like a short time, it’s really not considering how many wallpapers I have. If I were to have one picture onscreen for 5 minutes then I would never get though my collection.

The last time I posted I had 2,329 wallpapers which totaled to about 1.2GB. That’s about, on average, 900KB per picture (probably less, my math is bad) Overall not to bad considering my usually library containing pictures from my camera has each picture at around 16MB per picture.

My current library of wallpapers has exactly 4,342 items in it, totaling 2.39GB. My collection has almost doubled since the last post.

So the reason I have them being displayed for 1 minute at a time is because it already takes 3 entire days to go through them on a continues loop. If I increase that to 5 minutes per image then it would take 15 days to view everything!

I got these wallpapers to look at them and enjoy them, why would I make it harder to see them all?

I still think that everyone should have a scrolling background of wallpapers, (not as many as me but at least a few :) So if you see a cool image online and it would fit as your background, why not download it and stick it in a folder, it’s not hard to set up and you may like seeing different images besides your standard background image.

Amazing View Of How You Look In The Sun

I saw this video and thought that is was interesting enough to share.

I’m not a huge fan of sunscreen because of the feel of it on my skin, I don’t like it, but this video makes me see the difference it can make.

The Posts Will Now Commence!

So if you’ve been following my posts then you know I’ve been on vacation for the last few days in an area without cell reception of any sort of wi-fi. That area wold be Yosemite, the same place that a huge wildfire is still burning (that was an interesting experience).

You can expect regular posts to resume and once this photo series from the 4th of July has been completed then I will start a new series with some pictures that I took from my travels in Yosemite.

Also, as a quick update, I’m going to be getting busy with work and various other projects in the coming week so my posts will probably be shorter than usual but I’ll try to have stuff every other day for you guys to read.

Thanks for being patient and thanks for reading!

Going On Vacation!

So as the title may lead you to believe, I’m going on vacation. I’ll be taking a nice trip over to Yosemite for a few days. Because of that I won’t be able to keep up my posting so I’ll just have pictures going for the time I am gone. However after I get back I will hopefully have some great pictures and stories to share with everyone.

I hope everyone has great week and finds something fun to do!

One Handhold At A Time

I’ve recently started rock climbing at a local indoor rock climbing place.

Now I’ve never rock climbed before, except at one of those theme park walls. I am also not the most physical person in the world. My idea of exercising is going up a few flights of stairs. I am by no means out of shape, okay I’m out of shape, but I have a good weight.

Let me get back to my topic. I started a week ago and have been going every day for a few hours each day since.

I have to say, it is really fun. It’s a great sport and I can see myself steadily progressing. Every day I can climb longer and more difficult routes. It’s great to be able to walk around the room and see climbs that you were previously not able to do but after some work you achieved it and now you are able to do it.

I bring my GoPro as well and I have gotten some really cool shots. Over these last few days I have advanced many levels (as far as I can tell) For those of you who know climbing terms, today I successfully topped out on a 10c and I’ve only been able to do a V3. I’m working on a V4 and a 10d right now.

I suggest that you try rock climbing. It’s a little expensive for my taste but I’m having a great time trying to build upon my successes.

If you love to see a visual representation of your progression then I would recommend that you try it out. Check out if there are any gyms in your area that offer it, I’m sure that there might be one that you haven’t seen before :)

Noise Level

Just tune it out

The level of noise in a room is something I’m very sensitive too.

Let’s say for example someone is playing music in another room. Now if they want to blow out their ears that’s great for them, but when it starts to affect me that is where I draw the line.
Is it so hard to use headphones?! I understand that the feeling is not the same as listing to bigger speakers but some common respect would be nice.
I see this everywhere. People carrying around speakers In the streets, on the bus, in the tube, at the library, in a house. Or they are playing their headphones at full volume when the headphones aren’t even in their ears! People don’t seem to understand that the noise they are generating, be it through music or some other means, can be annoying and distracting to those around them.
When you confront them they say “just tune it out.” Seriously! That’s like saying, “oh you don’t like the smell of that? Just stop breathing.” I can’t just go deaf all of a sudden!
To be fair you can tune it out to a certain degree but after a point the noise level is just too high to be tuned out.
To summarize, be aware of your surroundings people. It’s pretty easy, and if you take a break from destroying your ears you may hear something you didn’t know was there. It could save your life one day.
Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out. Thanks for reading!