About seangreen5

I'm a gamer, food connoisseur, and amateur computer builder and photographer. I watch anime, explore the internet, listen to music and am overall a very weird person.

I’ve Come To A Decision


To anyone who has been keeping up with my posts I’m sure you’ve noticed a drop in quality, whether that be in creative writing or number of posts.

This is because I have become increasingly busy over this last moth and I don’t see myself getting enough time to keep up with all the things I need to and blog as well.

Because of this, I’ve made the hard decision to halt this blog.

All my previous post will still be available for viewing in the archives and such though.

I hope that one day I will be able to start this up again and continue as it has been a lot of fun :)

To all those who read my blog, I thank you for your support and hope you know that it meant a lot to me. I wish you all the best of luck!

Photo Of The Day #66

2013-07-31 at 14-07-49

An iPhone picture of some flowers that I passed by on day. Not really sure where this was.

Photo Of The Day #65

2013-07-21 at 11-11-24

Took this when I was passing though Monument Valley a year or so ago.

Photo Of The Day #64

2012-02-26 at 14-24-17

I took this many years ago next to the sidewalk that was next to my house.

Glasses (The Kind That Go On Your Face)

First off lets define this a bit. When I say “glasses” what do I mean? Well I take that to mean sunglasses or prescription glasses or any type of glasses, even those red and blue previous generation 3D ones. (who remembers those? I do!)

Now I personally wear sunglasses a lot. I dislike having to squint in sunlight and with high quality sunglasses I don’t have to. I can see the world how it is, able it in a slightly darker fashion ;)

I have also have 3 pairs of sunglasses: 2 Oakley’s (a polarized and a non-polarized pair) and then a pair of “throwaway” ones that I use when I go anyplace where it could be dangerous to take the others i.e. the beach or on a roller coaster.

I try to take the best of car of those glasses and they have lasted me awhile, 2 years now, and I hope they will continue to last (as they were expensive and I’m not made of money)

Then we have prescription glasses. I do not require these but I think that anything that can be used to improve your senses or restore them is a good thing. So they are okay in my book.

Now sometimes glasses can give change your impression on another person. For some, if you see someone with glasses (non-sunglasses) then you might assume that they are smart or business-y (it’s a word) However, that may not be the case. I wonder how that stereotype got started in the first place? Probably a lot of causes that ended up together.

So what is my point? If you’ve made it this far then you may be wondering that. Well I’ll tell you. I think that glasses are a great invention and have many uses. Although we may not be using Google Glass anytime soon (I think the computer contact lens’s will catch on before the sunglasses) glasses are still an important part of many people lives, whether it enables them to see better or keep away the sun or give someone a different appearance.

Let’s all take a moment to thank Salvino D’Armate for inventing glasses! (however after a quick google search it appears that it is not really known but this guy is given credit most of the time so I’ll say it was him)

Thank for reading all the way down here if you did! I’ve been pretty busy lately so I haven’t been able to spend more time on the blog :(

Photo Of The Day #63


2012-07-30 (128)


Just as a quick update. I am starting my planning to go traveling in Europe later this year.

I’m very excited to go and travel around and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. My travels will center around France as I’ve been learning French for the last few years (still not that good though) but I also plan on visiting the other nations and branch out from France.

Right now the adventure is still in the planning phase but I’m working on it with a friend as we plan to go together and explore.

Just thought I’d share that with you all :)

Everybody Can Relate Too Food

Food is universal

At least, that’s what I think.

Let’s all get on the thought train for a few minutes. Because there is one thing that has been a unifying force in all of human history. Food. Food is universal because it is one of the basic needs of survival. People must eat to survive and what they eat is called food.

Therefore, food is a great way to communicate. Every culture has their own taste when it comes to food. Wether it be differences in spiciness, texture, smell, bitterness, etc.

This makes the people who eat said food different but the same. Because we all eat food!

I think that everybody can work together to get food. Hunter gatherers did it, medieval people did it, we do it. The process has changed over time of getting food but the consumption remains the same.

At this point many are probably wondering why this even matters and that I’m probably going off the rails so I will refocus here:

It is a fact that, as a human, you must consume food to stay alive (at our current level of technology) so it is something that every person has in common. Everybody has a favorite food and everybody can appreciate what food does for us.

I just wanted to dedicate this post to food and how awesome it is. Many people take food for granted and I think we should occasionally take a step back and wonder at how far food has progressed.

Thanks everybody for reading! Also, if you have a favorite food then let me know and why that is your favorite food in the comments :)

Photo Of The Day #62


2013-02-01 at 13-14-18-2

Photo Of The Day #61


2013-02-01 at 12-27-58-2

Annnnnndddd it’s back! I know it’s been awhile since i’ve posted any photography related stuff but I’ve been curating my stuff for the last little bit. So without further ado I present my next release of stuff!